Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why Don't These Things Happen to ME?

Today we offer two videos for your review. The first (above) allegedly shows the "Beast of Gum Hill" crossing a creek in Virginia.

The second video can be seen here. What terrible creature ate an SUV owned by a North Carolina family? (There was a similiar incident featured on Monster Quest. The experts believed a dog did the damage.)

Are hoaxters responsible? Unknown monsters? All I can say is, why don't these things happen when I'M down South?


Blogger Janey said...

WOW, I think the first one was just a person wearing a brown coat and pants (maybe a fly-fisher?)
The second one was weird though, wouldn't a dogs teeth and claws break if it tried to do that? Unless maybe it was a genetically enhanced dog so that its teeth and claws were stronger than steel.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Yasmin said...

like most people are going to beileve, the first one could just have been anybody's old grandfather walking though the swamp. since the quality was so bad I couldnt see if there were any modern clothing on him or not so it could have been one of those people who are left in the woods when they are born and then abandoned so they live their whole lives off the forest.

the second one is strange possibly a bear?

Oh and Ananka, i live in the south, and trust me NOTHING exciting ever happens here.

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live smack-dab in the buckle of the bible belt, Tennessee. Unless you count deranged 6th graders, nothing special happens here. Texas is better. =D

7:46 PM  
Anonymous York Blog said...

I'm still waiting for the day an albino peacock with sunglasses and a butler runs across my street...

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing weird ever happens where I am either.

The videos are always blurry or too far away...


1:19 PM  
Blogger Kitty said...

The first one...? It's to big for a normal person... Either that is Bigfoot or it's another prankster. lol

The second one is done by someone or something with big hands. I don't think it's a bear... In the last picture in the video, there's a set of muddy fingerprints...

Meh... People, NJ is much more boring than all the other states put together. Seriously, we don't even get THUNDERSTORMS that much!! XD Everday is perfectly boring. California and New York are much better.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Dakota Blue said...

I'd like to point out that there is the international consparicy files filtered throughout the state. it goes more detailed in my theory, which is still at work. It explains the letters, streetart, fossils, what happened to Elvis Presley, and green hotdogs. Okay, maybe not the last one. But it's still a good theory! (And besides, even if it's not, I've got like, ten thousand more)

4:15 PM  
Anonymous dangerous said...

The fist one was cool, and a little freaky, but it looked like the second's car was attacked by the vicious creature known only as "The Ex". Dun dun dun daaaaaaaa.....

Also I live in boring, boring, Maryland and its raiiiiiniiinggg.

4:30 PM  
Blogger Rosemary said...

I live in California, and it is not that exciting even though whenever I meet someone from out of state they are always like"Have you been to the Golden Gate bridge?Have you been to San Fransisco?".I wish something would happen.Oh well,at least it's Spring break.
The videos were Ok, but not the most believable.

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Kiwi said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Now my worst fears are confirmed... though I have a friend that wants to be a cryptidzoologist... very interesting

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the one of the crazy guy crossing the creek wasn't too bad. my brother does stuff like that all the time. the second video was...well...creepy. should show aforesaid brother; he wouldn't go outside for a week!

7:42 AM  

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