How Are You Feeling Today?

I thought I should provide a free mental health check, since today is the infamous Blue Monday. That's the day experts have identified as the most depressing day of the year.
(They took six factors into account when searching for the gloomiest day: bad weather, high levels of debt, the number of days since Christmas, the number of days since failing our New Year's resolutions, low motivational levels and the feeling of a need to take action.)
This year, the state of the economy may make Blue Monday, 2009 the worst in history! Low spirits will inspire a high percentage of people to play hooky from work/school, and accidents of all sorts will be far more likely to occur. So I recommend that we all stay in bed today!
What? You're already out of bed? How brave of you! Please feel free to share your feelings with the rest of us.
More on Blue Monday here.
Actually, feeling pretty good, but then again I just got up since I have the day off do to Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the weather's pretty good (it's not snowing and I can see the sun). The day has just begun and it feels like a calm, light blue day. I hope everyone's able to enjoy a bright blue day today, too.
Yeah, what Nab said. I'm fine. Califonia's fine here!
Won't it sound weird of someone said "Happy Blue Monday!" Oo'
How odd...I've had this feeling all afternoon that I forgot to do something, like I needed to "take action". And the weather around here has been dull, gloomy, and cold....
No school for me today- MLK day. I'm still in bed!
Today is so far a really good day for me too! I'm about to go hang out with some of my friends for most of the day... My phone IS dying though.. And Earlier- My ear itched a little bit!! OH NO! This day is gonna get worse and worse!!
Martin Luther King Day is going pretty well for me! My friend and I taped a little bit and then the sun is finally out!
I have semester exams tomorrow so I think it's safe to call it Blue Monday.
*The Cat in the Closet*
I'm in the Sf Bay Area, and the weather's fine. Although I do feel kind of depressed, maybe Blue Monday is true worldwide! Someone take a survey in India or something!
I've decided to go against blue Monday and be extremely happy and joyful today! :)The weather is great and everything is good!
Well, to be honest, I have a cold and I'm not feeling all that bright. Lol
I'm glad because I get to sit a supercute baby!
beautiful day today...
well i think everyones feeling it. mi bus left without 7 of the 143 people on it and then i find out that my jhomework is screwed up! and this is the last day with our awesomest pres. in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! snifle snifle. i thnk im gonna cri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:'(
I had a pretty good day. I had almost no history in school, got a fair amount of writing in, and my sisters' friend had come to visit.
Haha! blue monday, bring your worst! apparently your worst is sunny blue skies and a nice day off school. maybe we all are supposed to feel sad because martin luther king died.
I'm surprised they didn't take into account that OBAMA'S GOING TO BE PRESIDENT 2MORROW!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!
did any one see the inaguration concert?
im happy cause i had a 5 day weekend thank you snow
I was feeling stupid, because I cut my bangs myself and screwed them up, and then started a new job at a resteraunt. *headkeyboard* TIP: GO TO A STYLIST.
that is so ASOM/COOL!!!!!!!*******$$$
GWB 4 eva!!!!!!!!!!!: No. Seriously. You looked at a newspaper latley? Or turned on a news station? Held a conversation? Feel free to politically bash me back, I enjoy a good debate ;)
I'm sick, I sprained my ankle, and I missed Drama. At least now I know why.
I never even knew about that until now.. and yesterday wasn't bad at all!
It's kablooey! I didn't get out of my p.j.s 'till 6p.m., so im good.
wait a second...that picute is from that one movie with Lisa Kudrow called KaBluey??? NOT my favourite...bratty kids...
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