I'm Back, and So Is the Creepy Gnome!
Remember the evil South American gnome? (If not, you really should check it out.) He's back!!!
A new video has emerged which shows a small, gnome-like creature side-stepping across a road outside the Argentinian town of Clodomira. According to one eyewitness, "This tiny thing started running down Avenue San Martin at us. It had a pointy head and dark clothes. It was a person of incredibly low stature. We filmed it then got scared and ran off. This little thing was barking like a dog - but running sideways on two legs."
Check out the unbelievably bizarre footage here.
(One question: What are all those guys doing dancing around in the street together? Is that what passes for fun in Clodomira?)
PS: I'll think about posting some contest finalists. The judges didn't really give me a final list.
Hi Ananka, we missed you!
Kiki Strike is short too, maybe it's Kiki Strike.. hehe
Oh see that second picture? That looks EXACTLY like one of the monsters in an X-Box 360 game called Halo 3. They run sideways too! (Although they can run normally too.) In the game you have to kill them... They're evil.
Oh my goodness! I just watched the video and it is so scary! Maybe it's a genetically modified crocodile (because of the pointy back), with two legs from a dingo or something. I have no idea what it could be..
A robot? Maybe someone's controlling it? Playing a prank?
I watched the video and it looked more like a small child than a gnome... which is more logical since gnomes are inanimate and aren't likely to start running down the street any time in this reality. :) *sigh*
Why does reality have to be so boring? :P
My prediction about the weekend was right. It just seemed so long and dull without any new posts.
Does anyone know what they're saying?
Welcome back, Ms. Miller!
Lady Dahlia: Reality is just a crutch for people who can't deal with the square root of negative one!! :P
Welcome back! Gnomes? I dont really think that gnomes will start walking around, but 1 can hope, right?
I think in the beginning they were saying something about dancing.
Later they were like "Look! Look at that!"
That's all I understand.
OH Man... I just realized I've been reading this blog almost every day for 2 years. (I started reading in October 2006!!!)
It's just a gnome, what wimps.
Woooooooaaahhhhhh......... that almost looks my short friend Chris.... absurdity. Actually, I have a lot of short, guy friends who would fit the bill.... huh.
It is actually pretty cool in my own opinion. Of course, after I saw the first video I slept with my light on imagining it skipping across my bedroom floor, but no worries now! (I hope :D)
i have a solution! it is obviously a crippled, insane little person. however, the barking is not coming from him. that barking is coming from a dog at a house down the steet, barking at the little monster. simple as that.
either that or it's an insane old man who is out to kill one or all of the dudes because they're great-great abuelos killed the 'gnomes' padres and now they are really in for it. Corre por tu vida !
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