Feel Dead in the Morning?

(Artwork by Phillip Toledano)
Do you ever snooze through the alarm? Fall asleep during class? Pass out in the middle of fascinating discussions of 13th century Latvian history? If so, I'm sure someone's been giving you a hard time about it. In that case, I recommend printing out a copy of this article from the New York Times.
According to scientists, teenagers just aren't meant to get up that early in the morning! "Research shows that teenagers’ body clocks are set to a schedule that is different from that of younger children or adults. This prevents adolescents from dropping off until around 11 p.m., when they produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and waking up much before 8 a.m. when their bodies stop producing melatonin. The result is that the first class of the morning is often a waste, with as many as 28 percent of students falling asleep, according to a National Sleep Foundation poll. Some are so sleepy they don’t even show up."
Finally science is on your side! Why not sleep in tomorrow?
does that look like a witch or what?
*first comment dance*
I should be getting up 2 hours later! Urghhhh...
Yes! Thankyou! Finally I have a reason to stay up late! And now I can sleep in without meing told off!
Really? I always get up early in th morning. I actually feel bad when I sleep in. Hmm...
Ananka: Wah! The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agancy is a spoof. But it's still a real website. it's just not Federal.
I always sleep until like 9 - 10:00 !!! But I'm homeschooled so that doesn't really matter... lol
Hey! Who snapped that shot of me getting off the NR train in the morning?!? I'm going to sue!
Thanks for this article, too bad the board of ed doesn't care. Is this the fabulous Kiki Strike author who posted this?
no kidding.
That's funny.
No wonder I can never fall asleep before 11:00! I'm so showing this to my parents! Thanks, Ananka/Kirsten!
Anonymous #4: Who else would be bringing you such "useful" information?
yep that's me in math and science and compositon,heh, my school (or homerrom teacher) knows that, but nothing has changed
now i have an excuse for when the office lady says "why are you late again?"
i saw an article like that in a newspaper a couple of weeks before. I will show this article to my mum.
My first period teacher doesn't even know me!
Check out my blog!
Sleep!! WhooHOO!!! o^-^o Really Spring?!?! You're homeschooled too!?!? Well... I wake up at 8am, 7am, or 6am in the morning then fall asleep then wake up at 12pm or 11am. ^^' But then again, I usally sleep at 2 or 3am. XD
Woah...us teens are so amazing!!! That's a really good excuse for school. Now I know why my mom acts normal when I stay up. (she is a doctor.)
I Will be sleeping in tomorrow... GO SPRING BREAK!!!!!! by the way, I am going to be in New York this week!
Falcon: Vacation or secret mission? If you have extra time on your hands, I'll be happy to list a few places you might want to see.
Ya, I'm homeschooled, Kitty. I didn't know anyone else was homeschooled here! wow! lol
whats this 'homeroom' you speak of?
i thought you already had a post about this...
rememper the one with the stickers that look like eyes?
spring, I'm homeschooled too! but my mom always wakes me up at around 8:30 no matter what... I guess that's not too bad but I ususally stay up super late cuz it always takes me a LONG time to fall alsleep
That's no excuse for me. First peiod starts at eight thirty for me, but I still get up at seven...
HAHAH!!! I'll have to show Mr.Hart that, considering he's my first teacher of the day. Ya know, in fourth grade I fell asleep during math. it was rad. but now (thank hEAVENS) I can sleep in everyday instead of getting up at six in the morning. ahhh...how i ove sleep.
ps: spring, so not fair. well, i mean i guess it is. but like, i dunno. nevermind.
If I ever met the scientist{s} who discovered that we need more sleep, I would totally kiss them. XD
LOL, around post-break or post-vacation at school, everybody seems like half-awake zombies!
I actually learned about that in psychology from my narcoleptic teacher(ironic huh?). Our school gets us up at 6, and i know girls who wakes up at 3 in the morning to get to school (THREE IN THE MORNING!) Obviously i think the schools should adjust to natural biological patterns rather then the other way around.Unless they dont call lunch off, because it is also a natural biological pattern, they shouldnt ignore the sleep patterns of the species called "teenagers".
I'm going to send this to the superintendent!!! Both the middle AND high schools start at 7:30 in the morning, most students show up around 7:00! now i can get up waaaay later than 5:45.
Oh, and the elementary schools in my district start at 9:00. Is that fair?
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