Monday, October 29, 2007

Superheroes Anonymous

This morning I received another tip from a reader (thanks, Willamina!) about an exciting event that took place in Times Square yesterday. Just after 12PM, superheroes from around the country gathered on 42nd Street for the very first meeting of "Superheroes Anonymous."

Among the thirteen real-life superheroes in attendance were "Direction Man" (shown below, right), who guides lost tourists through the city and "Red Justice" (below, left) who spends his day on New York's subways, "encouraging young people to give up their seats to those who need them more."

Those not shown include "The Super" who does free repairs for needy apartment dwellers (while wearing a red cape and green tights) and "The Cleanser" who helps keep the city clean (while rocking a white cape and yellow rubber gloves).

It may sound like a joke--but it's not. These upstanding citizens take their jobs as superheroes very seriously. (They even have their own Myspace site.) And I think it's fabulous! Not only are these people doing what they can to help others, they're doing it with style and a sense of humor.

Which makes me think. What superhero identity would I assume?

Read more here.

(Photo by Cary Conover for The New York Times)


Blogger International Mastermind said...

I will be (da dada daaaa.....) Super Overachiever! The one who acheives all that she can to help humanity...and more!

3:02 PM  

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