Strange Creature Snapped in Seattle
This photo was taken a few days ago outside a Seattle office building. Since then, it's popped up on innumerable websites. Everyone wants to know . . . what the heck IS it? The experts over at Cryptomundo seem to think it's a naked mole rat, but I beg to differ. (Just look at the ears.) Other than that, I have no clue what it might be. Any suggestions?
I though naked mole rats stayed underground and were senetive to sun or something?? cool picture and you're right about the ears
I think it looks like a naked squirrel.
It could be any animal, just hairless. There are hairless dogs that people can buy.(Great for people with alergies)The best way to figure out what that is would be to compare it to other animals near where the photo was taken and see if it would look like another animal in that area with hair.
It looks a lot like a tiny hairless hippopotomus to me.
I've seen a naked mole rat. They're much thinner, and there skins are peachier. I think it look like a hippo too. It's a mini hippopotous!
It's definetly a cousin of the naked molerat. Or maybe the naked molerat and a hippo had an affair? Supiscious...
On second thought, it's head does look like a hippo. But it's standing like a squirrel.
I think it is a newborn rodent, with a birth defect or chromosome problem. It is naked because at birth, most rodents are hairless and blind, which might be why it has a funny expression
That's true Lisa but if so why is'nt it whith it's mother at such a young age? I agree it looks like a skin colored hippo.
my cousin pointed out it looks like a shaved squirrel. i completely agree. perhaps some cruel being thiught it would be a hilarious joke. :(
Fat squirrel
it looks like found some shaving cream and a razor...although it looks rather like a naked rhino rat
Looks like a miny hippo!
Matbe some shaved hamster or something?
When I looked at it it lookd like a squirrel but wheres the tail?
Some one shaved that thing.
Its not a naked mole rat
I think its a type of rodent that some one shaved.
I can't find any more picz of it...
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